Heal Your Gut with the Power of Food!


Discover how to Heal your bloating, constipation, IBS, diarrhea, heartburn, fatigue & anxiety through food with simple changes made to your life


Utilizing targeted foods to heal your body is hands-down the most effective way to HEAL your body, so you can have more energy, fit in your clothes without a muffin top, and not feel like you’re chained to the closest toilet

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Here's everything you need to know about Healed You in 90 seconds


Food as medicine is the most effective way to heal your gut… and when you super-charge your gut with food, your hormones rebalance and your energy, mood and confidence becomes unstoppable!


✅ Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about how food has the power to heal your gut from the inside out

✅ Get access to personalized protocols that will accelerate your healing so you can get rid of the bloating, fatigue, constipation and anxiety when you aren’t even thinking about it!

✅ Become a more energized and happy woman who can focus on her family, friends & living life!

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Take a quick peek inside the members area of Healed You!

This is what you are getting when you join Healed You, a 16 week transformational online group coaching program taught exclusively by Dr. Sarah


Inside Healed You, you will walk your gut through a deep-dive step-by-step healing and transformation  


This is the program to heal you into your optimal health with the power of food as medicine


Together, we will walk through the 6 step Healed You method process to elevate your gut into the best version of ourselves through the power of food

Phase One: Eliminating Inflammation


You can’t expect to heal your gut without first eliminating the inflammation that is plaguing your entire body, leaving you feeling puffy or ‘fluffy’. In this foundation phase of this journey, we get really clear on the first steps you have to take to heal the gut and how these foundations will support you throughout your life. If you’ve been scared to take the first step in healing your gut or felt overwhelmed of where to start, this is a powerful step of the program for you.

Phase Two: Heal The Gut


I don’t have to tell you that almost everything you’ve learned about gut health and getting the “outcome” you want isn’t true. I know this because you wouldn’t be on this page if you had gotten the results you desired. In this phase, we will cultivate getting rid of the stubborn bacteria, parasites and yeast that are lurking in your gut that are rooted in EFFECTIVE outcomes. I’ll teach you the healing processes, foods and systems you need to get rid of stubborn bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn with real and effective strategies. No more pills for your ills or just taking more and more supplements, you are going to actually get changes from your food that will target your healing journey to get results!

Phase Three: Heal Your Nervous System


Our brains play a CRITICAL role in our gut health. I would not be providing you the highest healing if I skipped this necessary step. Inside this phase, we focus on why your body is stuck in fight or flight (or survival) mode and how that is affecting the way you digest food. Even if you’re eating all the best superfoods, if your body isn’t absorbing the nutrients or digesting proteins and fats… you’re never going to heal. And this is where people get stuck. Because they think they have to be on supplements forever or give up favorite foods because it is TERRIFYING to look inside at ourselves. Inside this phase, you WILL release any and all subconscious resistance to the healing you desire. We’re going to implement effective tools rooted and backed by neuroscience to release all your past beliefs and fears around food and your body that keep you from truly healing your gut. 

Phase Four: Heal Your Hormones


We are divinely feminine goddesses who need to realize that our gut is affecting our delicate hormonal balance. We are not on the same cycle as society dictates. We are not going to be the same person every day, we have DAILY fluctuations in our cycles that make us powerful. However, most of the time we are repressed by society to act like we have to have the same energy and the same enthusiasm and mood every single day of the month. That is a fallacy and it’s time to break this mold. In this phase, we unlock your unique feminine power to utilize the power of our hormones to help enhance our daily lives, not force us into a mold that doesn’t work for our bodies. This is the phase to demonstrate how to have stable mood all month long, get back your libido, not have horribly painful or long periods, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, painful menstrual cramps and all the “common” things that we’re told on a daily basis are “normal”. You do not have to suffer in silence any more. There are so many foods to help improve your energy, your periods, remove stubborn weight and ignite your metabolism. And we go deep. We do not skim as this is so often overlooked by many functional and traditional providers and coaches. The gut is the catalyst for hormone imbalance and through healing our gut, we are healing our hormones to restore balance to our bodies. 

Phase Five: Detox Your Body


This may sound weird for a gut healing, but did you know your liver is part of your gut? And this superstar organ is detoxing your body from all the toxins and chemicals it comes into contact with. Your liver and other important detox organs all play a role in our gut health. Inside this phase, you will open up your body’s natural detox pathways to naturally optimize your energy and digestion further. This is a powerful part of the process where we unlock our body’s power and step into our greatness. This is where your body knows it is safe to remove the things that have been stuck inside of us for so long to boost your energy, brighten your skin, and improve our mood!

Phase Six: Heal Your Gut Lining


This is our final phase where you work to heal the beautiful gut lining you took the time to heal. We will go on a deeper level of healing to personally repair the gut lining that you carefully eliminated and detoxed. Your gut is now open to repairing its gut lining.  It no longer has any inflammation, it no longer has toxins or any bacteria/parasites harming the lining. This provides protection from disease, allowing you to eat more food with ease. Your body wants this to happen. Your body longs to complete the healing process so that you truly unlock your gut’s fullest potential. This prevents any further foreign invaders from creeping into your gut in the future. Your gut is in a state of feeling healthy and strong. 

This is a group program that offers a unique blend of private coaching, live group coaching, course modules, and more!


  • Private one-on-one coaching to guide you through your personal healing journey and customize the best food, supplements and lifestyle techniques that are tailored just for you
  • Functional Medicine labs to take a deep dive into your gut and hormones so you can get to the root cause of what is causing your chronic fatigue, bloating, stress and more
  • Access to texting support 
  • High-level, intimate coaching calls to guide you through the process in real time, offering personalized support and a tailored food plan for your gut healing journey.
  • A 16-module, step-by-step video training course with 24/7 instant access and lifetime availability.
  • Every detail is covered—no step is left out!
  • A supportive community of women dedicated to healing, providing a safe and understanding space that is essential for your journey.
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Why you can no longer afford to ignore Healed You Coaching! 


❌ Women have a higher risk of developing digestive symptoms like constipation, IBS and it has been studied that the current traditional medications do not work as effectively for women as men (PMID: 30347934)

❌ 70% of Americans with gut health symptoms are women

❌ 84% of American women do not feel that healthcare providers are listening to them

What Some Of My Client Are Saying: 


“Since working together I have discovered the root cause of the issues I have been facing and I no longer feel that nothing can be done. I feel less pain, almost no bloating, and less anxiety. Since working together I have had healthy bms every single day which is a miracle! I also feel much more confident that I can take control of my health and feel the way I want to feel. I know which supplements I can take and which foods I can eat to improve the way I feel. I also have more tools for managing my stress.”


“When we began, I was struggling with bloating, fatigue, headaches, rashes, food reactions, digestive issues, trouble with sleep and depression. During the rapid relief, 95% of my bloating went away. I have had more energy, I have not been struggling with headaches, rashes, food reactions and have had limited digestive issues.”




How Much Does Healed You Cost You:


The mistake most women make is that they think the “do-it-yourself” route is cheaper. What you don’t take into account is how slow and ineffective that can be.


Or worse…


…the costs associated with every failed group or individual coaching. These other coaches will gladly take your money and do not provide a healing around food. They just give you a generic food plan and blame you when you aren’t getting the desired results. 


Or even worse…


You do nothing, letting these symptoms pile up for decades until you can no longer deal with them anymore.. and by that point you may experience dis-ease like diabetes, autoimmune disorders dementia or worse.

So next people say, “okay can you do it for me”?


I would love to work with you 1:1, and if you feel called, please apply here (it is thousands of dollars more to work 1:1 with me), but I know that you need this group. You need the support of other women who are going through the same dark space as you. This is not a time to be alone. We need to feel safe in our community. I remember my healing journey… I would cry myself to sleep so many days because I felt so unheard and misunderstood. I felt there was no one out there experiencing the same struggle  I was feeling. I felt so hopeless, so it took me so much longer to heal my body. After I finally healed, I learned there were SOO many other women who were experiencing the same gut struggles! And I wish we would’ve been together at the time of healing to amplify our healing! I know if I had other supportive women, I would’ve healed so much faster. I would’ve felt safer. I want that for you. I know I was put on this earth to teach you and share my gift to you in this beautiful community of supportive women.  This will give you the most comprehensive healing on the fastest timeline. II know you are capable of healing your gut. You just need the right tools that no one else has ever given you. And I’m sorry that happened, but I am here to support you 100%! 


This is your chance to learn from me so you can skyrocket your learning curve in little time! 


And you can master my ENTIRE Healed You Food as Medicine System for just 4 installments of $380 (or pay in full and save)


 Here are some of bonuses you receive when you join Healed You Group Coaching… 


Bonus: Cocktail & mocktail workbook- have fun with the power of healing with these amazing drinks that will reduce your inflammation and how to order and still be social at bars! Don’t feel stuck in your healing where you can’t have fun- ($97 value)

Bonus: Overcoming weight loss resistance: The top culprits in why eating super clean and working out isn’t getting those stubborn pounds off! I know this is a huge frustration for women so I create a specific guide on how to 


Starts September 4!

Pay In Full



2 Payments

1250 x 2


4 Payments

$687.50 x 4


12 Payments

$250 x 12


I've been where you are...

I’ve been the exhausted professional who has pushed through each and every day only to crash once I sat down on the couch. My bloating was so horrible that I knew I needed to either not eat before events just to fit into my clothes or wear oversized shirts so I didn’t feel embarrassed. My digestion made me fear food as I continued to restrict and restrict more food to figure out the cause of my chronic stomach pain. I spent years not wanting to go out for fear of not being near a bathroom. I was so exhausted that waking up each day was a chore. I hated the person who stared back at me in the mirror and was frustrated that I could never make any changes to my body no matter what I ate or how much I worked out, despite eating a healthy diet.

 I know what it was like to live my day just trying to get through to the next and let the years pass by before my eyes. I desperately wanted to change my life, but every healthcare specialist  told me “there’s nothing wrong with you. Your labs look fine.” 

I knew I needed to take action and thankfully I found functional medicine, which changed the course of my life.

I knew I was put on this Earth to heal your gut. It is my honor and passion to help people understand what is going on in your body through education and support. I know what you went through and I know I can help you. So join me to finally heal your gut in Healed You Group Coaching!

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Not sure if Healed You Group Program is right for you?

Schedule a free consultation with our team to discuss your unique pain points and how this program can transform your life.