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Ready to Reclaim Your Energy, Banish Bloat, and Feel Confident in Your Body—Without the Overwhelm?


Book a discovery call with Dr. Sarah to see whether this is the right container for you!

Book Your Call Now

I'm just going to say it...


Healing is possible

The unhealthy eating pattern you haven't been able to break 


The chronic bloating and fatigue you haven't been able to repair not matter all the supplements and foods you cut out of your diet...


The constant irritability, anxiety and depression and stress in your body...


Have you ever looked at what is inside your food?



But the truth is your food is making you sick. There are so many foods that have been told are "healthy" and are actually making you sicker than ever. We're constantly being told what is good for you, but it's all about what is best for a man, not a woman who has very different health needs. 


It's glamorized to feel burnout, sacrifice and exhaustion as the standard. 

That being healthy means starving yourself and working out day in and day out.

That you have to ignore that you are a woman and your body's needs are different than a man.


But the inflammation in your body is rising and it's time to STOP it in its tracks and take a new approach to living. 


Healing is possible


Healing is your destiny.

I'm Ready to Join

Welcome to Inflammatory Reset Method

Inflammatory Reset Method is a 12 week transformation online group coaching program taught by Dr. Sarah Mathis.


Inside Inflammatory Reset Method, you will get to the root cause of the inflammation hiding in your body and will walk it through a deep-dive healing and transformation process .


This is the program that will heal your constant bloating, low energy and mood swings to make your dream life a reality. 


Together, we will walk through the 4 step Inflammatory Reset Method process to elevate your body into the best version of ourselves. 

Join Now

I've been where you are...

I’ve been the exhausted busy mama and career woman who has pushed through each and every day only to crash once I sat down on the couch. My bloating was so horrible that I knew I needed to either not eat before events just to fit into my clothes or wear oversized shirts so I didn’t feel embarrassed. My digestion made me fear food as I continued to restrict and restrict more food to figure out the cause of my chronic stomach pain. I spent years not wanting to go out for fear of not being near a bathroom. I was so exhausted that waking up each day was a chore. I hated the person who stared back at me in the mirror and was frustrated that I could never make any changes to my body no matter what I ate or how much I worked out, despite eating a healthy diet.

 I know what it was like to live my day just trying to get through to the next and let the years pass by before my eyes. I desperately wanted to change my life, but every healthcare specialist  told me “there’s nothing wrong with you. Come back in 6 months.” When I felt anything but normal. 

I knew I needed to take action and thankfully I sat deep and created the Inflammatory Reset Method, which changed the course of my life.

I was able to get rid of the chronic bloating that I dealt with since childhood. I no longer had chronic anxiety that would wake me up every night. I had energy to spend all day during work and then play with me kids without crashing. I feel more alive in my 30s as a mama of 3 than I did in my 20s before I was married. 


Here's the truth: Cutting out more and more food isn't the answer. Having a METHOD to  get rid of inflammation will allow your chronic bloating, fatigue and mood swings to disappear. It changes the entire game of life. 

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Join the Women Who’ve Experienced Life-Changing Transformations


I get it—you’ve probably tried other programs before, ones that promised quick fixes but left you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. But this is different. The Inflammatory Reset Method is designed specifically for busy, high-achieving women like you.

Don’t just take my word for it—here’s some client love:


“Since working together I have discovered the root cause of the issues I have been facing and I no longer feel that nothing can be done. I feel less pain, almost no bloating, and less anxiety. Since working together I have had healthy bms every single day which is a miracle! I also feel much more confident that I can take control of my health and feel the way I want to feel. I know which supplements I can take and which foods I can eat to improve the way I feel. I also have more tools for managing my stress.”


“When we began, I was struggling with bloating, fatigue, headaches, rashes, food reactions, digestive issues, trouble with sleep and depression. During the rapid relief, 95% of my bloating went away. I have had more energy, I have not been struggling with headaches, rashes, food reactions and have had limited digestive issues.”




Yes! I'm In!

Meet Rachel: From Hormone Imbalance

to Pregnancy Success!


The Simplified & Affective Healing Process Inside Inflammatory Reset Method


Phase One: Anti-Inflammatory Foundations


You can’t expect to heal your gut & hormones without first eliminating the inflammation that is plaguing your entire body, leaving you feeling exhausted, bloated and irritable. It is time to take out the inflammatory triggers in your life and flood your body with nutrients, customized to your needs based on our specialized method. This is a powerful step in the program if you have been unsure what to do for your chronic bloating, fatigue and pain. 

Phase Two: Heal Your Stress Response


Our brains play a CRITICAL role in our health. Inside this phase, we focus on why your body is stuck in fight or flight (or survival) mode and how that is affecting your inflammatory response. Even if you’re eating all the best superfoods, if your body isn’t absorbing the nutrients or digesting proteins and fats… you’re never going to heal. And this is where people get stuck. Because they think they have to be on supplements forever or give up favorite foods because it is TERRIFYING to look inside at ourselves.

 Inside this phase, you WILL release any and all subconscious resistance to the healing you desire. We’re going to implement effective tools rooted and backed by neuroscience to release all your past beliefs and fears around food and your body that keep you from truly healing your gut. 

Phase Three: Detox From Toxins

Without looking at the toxins in our environment and in our body, we can heal our mind and flood our body with nutrients, but we need to make sure your body is properly clearing toxins. This isn't any quick fixes like a cleanse to eliminate toxins, but opening up your body's natural detox pathways to make sure you are clearing out the old hormones, toxins and other pollutants you are exposed to daily in order to keep your energy level high, banish bloat and mood levels steady. 

Phase Four: Restore Your Body

We are divinely feminine goddesses who need to realize that our bodies are quintessentially different from men. We are not on the same cycle as society dictates. We are not going to be the same person every day, we have DAILY fluctuations in our cycles that make us powerful. However, most of the time we are repressed by society to act like we have to have the same energy and the same enthusiasm and mood every single day of the month. That is a fallacy and it’s time to break this mold. In this phase, we unlock your unique feminine power to utilize the power of our hormones to help enhance our daily lives, not force us into a mold that doesn’t work for our bodies. This is the phase to demonstrate how to have stable mood all month long, get back your libido, not have horribly painful or long periods, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, painful menstrual cramps and all the “common” things that we’re told on a daily basis are “normal”. You do not have to suffer in silence any more. There are so many foods to help improve your energy, your periods, remove stubborn weight and ignite your metabolism. And we go deep. We do not skim as this is so often overlooked by many functional and traditional providers and coaches. Through focusing on healing not only our hormones, but our gut, this is the catalyst for healing hormone imbalance. We are restoring your body to feel complete, energized, confident and empowered. 

Book a Discovery Call with Sarah to see whether this is the right container for you! 

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The Value of Inflammatory Reset Method

This Isn’t Just Another Wellness Program—It’s the Ultimate Solution to Reclaiming Your Health Without Sacrificing Your Lifestyle.


No more half-hearted attempts. No more starting and stopping. This is your moment to invest in yourself and experience a complete health transformation—while still showing up as the high-achieving woman you are.

Join Now


Everyone's journey is different. Find the right package for you. 

Pay In Full

$3,328.33 $1997


  • Bonus Training "Healing Meditations", "Healthy Holidays Recipe Guide", Healthy Mocktails & Cocktail Guide"
  • Bonus positive affirmation mug

6 Month Payment Plan

$616.67 $370/m

6 Monthly Payments

Bonus Training "Healing Meditations", "Healthy Holidays Recipe Guide", Healthy Mocktails & Cocktail Guide"


12 Month Payment Plan

$328.33 $197/m

12 monthly payments

Bonus Training "Healing Meditations", "Healthy Holidays Recipe Guide", Healthy Mocktails & Cocktail Guide"

Bonus affirmation mug when pay in full

 You have two options...

You Join The Inflammatory Method and you experience…

  • Deep Healing Right Away – Start addressing the root causes of inflammation, gut, and hormone issues immediately.
  • Rapid, Noticeable Results – Feel the difference in your energy, digestion, and mood within just weeks.
  • Lasting Balance and Relief – Break free from the cycle of temporary fixes and achieve true, long-term wellness.

Now imagine what happens if you don’t take this step…

  • You stay stuck in the same cycle of bloating, fatigue, and hormone imbalance, feeling frustrated and out of control.
  • You continue wasting time and money on quick fixes that don’t get to the root of the problem.
  • You miss the chance to take charge of your health in a way that’s actually sustainable and fits into your life.
I'M IN!!!
 Since working together, I started feeling better overall - in ways I didn't realize I could.  My hair growth, skin clarity, and energy levels have all improved.  I have significant reduced my bleeding and most importantly - at the conclusion of our time together, I was able to report that after going to my gyno this month the cyst had CLEARED and there was no need for surgery!- Tasha
Disclaimer: This is for Women Who Are 100% Committed
This program isn’t for everyone—and that’s intentional. This program is for women who are ready to show up, fully commit, and invest in their health with everything they've got.
This is for the woman who is 100% ready to level up her life! If you’re ready to go all-in, you’ll get the tools, support, and community to make this your most successful health journey yet, then this is the program for you!