$1,749.00 USD

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Wellness Lab Package 2 Payments

Introducing the Wellness Lab Package – your key to understanding and transforming your gut and hormone health!


Are you tired of dealing with uncomfortable gut-related symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and fear around food? Or maybe you have acne, painful/irregular periods, mood changes, anxiety and brain fog that actually stems in your gut but triggers hormonal changes as well! 


Do you want to put an end to the frustrating guesswork and finally find the solutions you've been looking for?

This lab snap shot is designed to provide you with a comprehensive approach to deciphering the mysteries of your gut and hormones. No more living in discomfort or confusion – it's time to take charge of your gut and hormone health and feel better than ever before!

Here's what our program offers:

1. Comprehensive GI Map Testing: Our journey begins with an advanced Comprehensive GI Map test. This advanced diagnostic tool will unveil the secrets of your gut microbiome, pinpointing any imbalances, infections, or inflammation that might be causing your discomfort.

2. Extensive Hormone Testing: This cutting-edge hormone testing goes into depth to understand what is going on with your hormones unlike never before! Get a glimpse of your total thyroid health, blood sugar management, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and cortisol to truly understand what is going on in your body so you no longer are fighting your hormones, but being at peace together. 

2. Personalized 60-Minute Lab Review: Once we receive your test results, you'll get the opportunity to sit down with me for a 60-minute comprehensive review. I'll explain the findings, answer your questions, and create a tailored plan just for you.

3. Customized in-depth protocol. I curate an in-depth recommendations for supplements, nutrition, lifestyle changes that will optimize your gut and transform your health. 

4. Rapid Relief Protocol: No need to suffer while waiting for results! My unique rapid relief protocol is designed to alleviate your gut symptoms quickly, so you can start feeling better before the final analysis.

5. Zoom Recording of Call so you can check back on the recommendations.

6. Gut & Hormone Friendly Recipe Bundle & Meal Plan: No more guessing on what to eat! With my specially curated recipe bundle and meal plan, you'll enjoy delicious, nourishing dishes without the stress of meal planning.

7. Mindset, Sleep, and Stress Improvement: I believe in a holistic approach to gut health. My program includes strategies to improve your mindset, enhance sleep quality, and manage stress – all of which are vital factors for a healthy gut.

8. Discounted Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements. Get the best supplements to heal your gut holistically at a discounted cost! 


It's time to put an end to fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, acne, anxiety, brain fog and kick that stubborn weight to the curb!   

Don't wait; your gut and hormone health is too important to ignore!


Want to save $500? Pay in full option here! 


Disclaimer: this is not to replace urgent medical testing.  This is for educational purposes.

Disclaimer: labs need to be completed within 30 days of payment or you forfeit your 1 hour lab review and a printout of your protocol will be sent once you complete your testing. 

No refunds at this time. 

If you live in NY or NJ,  please contact at [email protected] if you are interested for further information. 

What People Are Saying:

"When we began I was at one of my heaviest weights to date. I struggled with sleep, constant bloating and digestive issues, as well as infertility. Other symptoms included face break outs, dry and cracking feet, hair loss, fatigue and concentration issues. Today, I have lost 13 lbs, my skin is more clear, my bloating is almost gone and I am learning about how to take care of myself in an intuitive way. "
